Video med professor dr. Frans Visser (M.D.) og dr. Meinte Vollema (klinisk nevropsykolog)

Professor dr Frans Visser (M.D.): ME/cfs and the heart


Professor dr Frans Visser (M.D.): ME/cfs and palpitations

Professor dr Frans Visser (M.D.): ME/cfs and cardiac arrhythmias

Professor dr Frans Visser (M.D.): ME/cfs and POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)

Professor dr Frans Visser (M.D.): ME/cfs and the blood flow in the brain

Dr. Meinte Vollema (klinisk nevropsykolog): ME/cfs and neuropsychological symptoms

Professor dr Frans Visser (M.D.): ME/cfs and orthostatic intolerance